A “Plan What To Do With The Physical Stuff You Have Inherited” Chat For Caregivers & The Sandwich Generation

Tired of scouring YouTube videos, Facebook posts and blogs for organizing tips that leave you more frazzled than organized?


Wednesday April 16, 2025

12pm EST • 11am CST • 10am MST • 9am PST

Feeling Overwhelmed by Inherited Belongings?

You're not alone.

Many adults find themselves caring for aging parents while juggling their own families.

This "sandwich generation" often inherits a lifetime of accumulated items.

Let's create a reasonable next steps of action to diminish the clutter.

During this live one-hour chat, we will go over three things you can be doing to get a handle on the items you are now responsible for but not sure what to do with.

Register For The Free Workshop Here

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Topics We'll Be Discussing

Efficient Sorting and Categorizing

No, you didn’t suddenly become bad at organizing! It’s one thing to sort the items that you’ve chosen to acquire. But the iItems that you have inherited (or have been passed on to you in some way) often fall under a slightly different category, making it a slightly different task than what you’re used to.

How to create a digital inventory

If you are trying to manage the piles of stuff and make sense of it all, a digital inventory might be good for your situation. It'll allow you to keep track and communicate with others on the things you have. We'll talk about making one in the easiest way possible.

How to find new homes for belongings

We understand that finding the right home for your things instead of throwing things away is important. You (and we) want to help those in need, reduce environmental impact by avoiding landfill waste, and feel a sense of social responsibility. We'll explore mindful and efficient ways to do this.

"Thank you for being so thoughtful, reliable, trustworthy, and professional throughout this project. When I called you, I could not have imagined what the scope of this task would involve. It was a relief for me that you stayed on throughout this challenging and lengthy task and also for making yourself so readily available. You were such a bright presence for us and always cheerful and optimistic during such a difficult time. This helped us immeasurably." - Valerie A.

Who This Workshop Is For:

  • Multi-generational families

  • Sandwich generation; those caring for both their children and loved ones

  • Caretakers

  • People not ready to simply throw away inherited items, and want to explore other options first


Discovering you have new treasures to go through can be full of emotions. Wrapping your head around it all can be overwhelming.

I am here so you don't have to do it alone.

I'm a pro organizer of over 20 years helping people get and stay organized - with the items they’ve bought themselves, and those they haven’t.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this cost?

This is a free workshop. No credit card required. It's an informative hour where we’ll help you get started navigating decluttering and organizing inherited items.

Can I watch the replay?

Not for this event. This is a live workshop that will not be recorded. If you want to be alerted of our upcoming workshops and recordings, please sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter where you get organizing tips delivered right to your inbox HERE

Will I get 1:1 time during this hour?

This hour is a group session so you will be in good company with others. At the end of the session, Stephanie will be answering questions that are asked during that hour so you can submit your unique question there. If you would like 1:1 time you can always schedule a planning call HERE

www.theorganizedflamingo.com | www.organizeandcherish.com